How PowerUs set new records for learning satisfaction

Dan Carter

"Better people development opportunities were demanded by our talent.

In fact, it was our engagement survey’s lowest scoring domain.

Three months after starting with Innential, people development became one of our highest."

Thomas Klein, Head of People at PowerUs

Meet PowerUs

PowerUs is a fast growing tech company that needed to add structure to their learning processes.

While it was not the top priority against other organisational goals, they still we wanted to establish an effective system to retain and develop their people.

  • Industry: Technology, Information, and Internet

  • Location: Berlin, Germany

  • Company Size: 130 employees

Their challenges

As the first Head of People at PowerUs, Thomas quickly identified the pressing need for employee development opportunities, and fast.

"All of our metrics were good besides people development. That put our employees at risk, especially longer-term employees, because they wanted to know where they were standing and what’s required from them to achieve the next step in their career."

With no established learning platform or structure, PowerUs experienced stagnant growth, leaving employees frustrated due to the absence of easily accessible, high-quality educational content.

There were three problems

  1. There were no learning content libraries in place, so finding high-quality content was hard

  2. Managers were busy, so spending the time to make recommendations was a burden

  3. The HR team had low capacity to set up a complex tool

His solution? To use Innential as their learning platform because it:

  • Was simple to use and fast to set up

  • Had a 5-star content library that covered every skill need

  • Provided guidance to employees on what to learn next

Their results

  • 4.7 / 5 content rating by PowerUs employees

  • 30+ skills learned

  • <1 hour to set up Innential

Added structure to their learning processes

"Before implementing Innential, there was no clear process or framework for personal and professional development within the company.

Managers were not equipped to guide employees in their development and there was a lack of resources and support.

Innential made it easy to set this up."

Empowered their employees to learn

"Innential enabled us to give employees the power to choose their own learning journey and the a platform that had a skill library and learning materials connected to it."

Fostered their self-development approach

"Adding Innential fostered our self-development approach. It enabled us to give employees the power to choose their own learning journey. You can look for content, get recommendations, and find something that fits you. It’s all handled very simply."

People development became a top scoring domain

"3 months after implementing Innential, our engagement survey showed that people development was one of the top scoring domains."

Why did Thomas choose Innential over other learning platforms?

➡️...because only Innential made autonomous learning possible.

"We choose Innential because we strongly believe in autonomous learning and only Innential provided a simple structure to search for skills and choose from top content suggestions without the need of top down pushed learning initiatives "

➡️...because it saves time for managers.

“Innential is a huge relief for managers because it gives them time back that they’d have to spend on finding content for their team. As a bonus, Innential can make those recommendations in most cases, even better.”

➡️…because it makes the learning process actually fun.

“Before Innential, our talent had to search online for content and inexperienced managers were overwhelmed with requests of their direct reports because also they had no idea where to search for the best educational content.

With Innential, we get skill guidance, personalized content recommendations, and 1-click budget approvals. It makes the learning process more enjoyable and effective.”

➡️… because the content library is a game-changer.

"For me, the connection between the skill library and the learning materials is my favorite feature. I haven’t seen anything else like this.

For example, if I want to improve my communication skills, I can see all the skills that make up communication and realize there are many different paths I can work on that I would have missed otherwise.”

What companies should try Innential?

If your engagement survey is showing a demand for better learning and development opportunities.

If you’re a Series A to B company that’s growing.

If you want a simple and efficient solution for career progress and development.

Click here to try Innential for free today.